Wednesday, September 26, 2018

✮✮✮Things that YouTubers Say/Do that Annoy Me✮✮✮

A lot of people are going to have a problem with this post, but I seriously don't care. My thoughts, my blog, end of discussion. It's actually just a hyperbolic expression and is not meant to be particularly ugly and is not directed at any one YouTuber. If you think that I am focusing on someone in particular, then you don't know me. I don't have time to be that much of an asshole. I am a super grown ass woman, who is knocking on 39. I say what I want. I mean what I say. I don't try tointentionallyl hurt anybody. I can't help it if you're overlysensitive. So, that's that! There are three beauty influencers I follow that I feel are unique, daring, creative, really funny, and 100% real. Check out Georgia Harris, Lauren Mae Beauty, & Makeup Struggles for thorough, unbiased, original content with a twist of attitude and a genuine love of makeup. These ladies don't know me from Adam, and I am not generating any type of revenue from giving them a shout out. I just really like them. I have commented on their videos every once in a while, which I generally don't do, but other than that I am not friends or affiliated with these ladies in any way. Just some real women, that are not driven by the industry standards, think as individuals, have unique and real perspectives and operate with facts, not what they think you want to hear, so, check em out! Don't even tell em I sent you because they don't know me, LOL.

Using the Word, "Gravitate" ...
I had an argument with my older sister that this is not a word, but it is and that is so bothersome to me. STOP. STOP using this word. Think of another word. Find a dictionary or thesaurus and find another damn word. Who started saying this word? Shame on you! LOL

Using the Phrase, "Sorry if that offends you or if you are offended"...
Stop caring about offending people. People get offended. It's ok. As long as you're not being intentionally hurtful or ugly, don't worry about the 1% that gets offended by you disliking a product or boycotting a brand. WHO CARES? Be your authentic self!

Saying the Phrase, "I'm Not Bragging in any way, shape or form"....
First of all, you saying that phrase negates the intention. You actually are bragging which is totally fine. Who cares? Why do you care if others think your bragging? Be proud of your collection and the investment you are making. Nothing wrong with a little (not a lot) boasting.

Saying the Phrase, "In My Opinion"...
We know it's your opinion because you're the one talking....duh. Additionally, sometimes YouTubers categorize their thoughts as opinions when they are actually fact and vice versa.

Using Thumbnails That Indicate Your Collection is "Huge"...
LOL. this is funny to me. Please STOP using the word HUGE in your description and thumbnail which you know damn well that whatever you are showing is not HUGE (collections, declutters, hauls etc.) It's a relative term and I get that. Actually, that's my point. Unless you're sure it's huge, then don't title it as such.

Forgetting About The Shitty Things that Fellow YouTubers Have Done/Said...
This is huge for me. There's a lot of people hopping on the Laura Lee Entourage disaster, but we soon forget about other YouTubers who have done equally shitty things (Jefferee Star), but issue half ass apologies and then everything is good. Or we ignore that these YouTubers have bee shitty all along (Manny MUA) and then act uber surprised when the shit really hits the fan. Be consistent in your disdain for people. Is that hard?

Not Disclosing That a Video is Sponsored (except in the fine print)...
Just disclose that the video is sponsored because we already know by the way you are talking, acting, giggling, being super over expressive, smiling stupidly, and pushing a product when can tell you actually don't like.

Forgetting that We Are Here for the Makeup, Not the Bullshit...
I am so over all the drama and personal life information about YouTubers. If you are a member of the beauty community and you have drama, please keep that crap at a distance, because a lot of us are here for the makeup, not the bullshit.

Who the hell changed how to pronounce the word "Mauve"....
This is particularly annoying to me. Conversation with my mom....."Mom, how to do pronounce this word?" Mom says, "mauve ( /moʊv/)". I say, "Have you ever heard it pronounced  /məʊv/"? Mom says, "Who the hell pronounces it like that"? Apparently, in the UK It is common to pronounce it in the latter context, but I often here YouTubers from the US pronouncing it as if they were British and it's uber annoying to me....I don't know. I get bent about stupid stuff pretty easily.

Over Using Words Like, "Gorgeous" Pigmented" Pigmentation" "Stunning" "Blendable" Etc...
I know we have limited words to describe products in the beauty community. I acknowledge that and definitely have the problem with my writing, but here's a thought - get a Thesaurus. I don't know, It might help! 

Using Poor Grammar by using the phrase "These Ones"....
The information below is taken from a site I trust regarding grammatically correct English. I researched several reputable sites, which all said essentially the same thing. Click Here for more information!

The word "ones" can be plural, as in "I like the red ones." You could even say "I like these red ones." Imagine that "ones" is standing in for the word "roses" or apples." But "I like these ones" is redundant and incorrect. "These" is already standing in for the noun. You should say simply "I like these" instead.

The situation is the same with "those":

He likes those ones. (redundant)

He likes those. (better)

The phrases "this one" and "that one" don’t seem to bother linguists, but it doesn't hurt to take a second look when you use the phrases to make sure you aren't being unnecessarily wordy.

Saying the Phrase, "Product of All Time"....
Excuse me, but is the Basketball Hall of Fame? Is this the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame? Is this an induction ceremony for a member of Baseball Hall of Fame? Oh, it's not? Good, because that is the only time you should use the "best of all time". Did the beauty community create an Eyeshadow Hall of Fame and not tell me? Because then using this ridiculous term would make sense. No? Ok, well then please stop saying it.

Saying the Phrase, "It does/doesn't speak to me"....4
Are you that deep that you have conversations with your makeup? It speaks to you? What is that conversation like, but for me, I am dying to know how a beauty product "speaks" to you. I get it. . . You're not drawn to the product. It doesn't excite you, right? That's a sensible statement, but when you endow makeup with sentient behavior, I get worried.

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