Sunday, September 29, 2019




Rating is out 10 out of 10, with a full point given for each of the ten sections listed above. Points per section may be issued in the following denominations: 0,.0 .25, .50, 1.0. For further clarification, the sections listed are worth a total of 1.0 point and are:
  1. Company Profile & Personality: (available information about the company, cruelty-free status information, philanthropic efforts, unnecessary controversy, indie company vs mainstream)
  2. Price: (product cost, availability of product, shipping cost, available coupons)
  3. Purchase Process: (order time vs receipt of product turn around, availability of product, email notifications including shipping & tracking number, email notification for delivery)
  4. Packaging: (was the item securely package, decorative packaging efforts including information card about the product, upcoming sales, or the company itself)
  5. Pigmentation: (via swatches)
  6. Color Payoff: (via application to the area applicable)
  7. Product Application: (ease of application of the product, for example for eyeshadow, is there fall out, creasing, etc.
  8. Performance: (longevity of wear)
  9. Product Value: (price to product amount ratio, i.e. price per gram + product quality + consumer response (popularity of the product and consumer response) + repurchase option)
  10. Overall Product Presentation: shade variation (if eyeshadow), women of color friendly, pale people friendly, universally applicable to many skin tones, desire for repeated use, would you repurchase the item again, is this product associated with a particular trend or is does it market the companies individuality, does the product set a new & innovative trend, is the product effective (does it do what it’s designed to do), does the product have potential multiple application opportunities (i.e. can the product be used as a blush & lipstick), is the product limited edition or a permanent product, is the product part of a collection, is the product consistent (from shade to shade, if an eyeshadow palette) from color to color in a part of a collection and does it function and operate the same each time applied.
Price & Purchase Process & Packaging: This palette was part of a bundle I purchased and was the first one I decided to try in the batch. I was excited and curious about the brand and what it had to offer in terms of eyeshadow quality. I purchased the bundle at a very reduced price and it arrived with all its components intact. I got an excellent deal on the bundle which included The Fawn & Witchcraft palettes as well.

Pigmentation & Color Payoff & Performance: First of all the palette is extremely atheistically pleasing to the eye with a beautiful picture of a female surrounding lovingly by bees, hence the name, the Queen Bee Palette. The palette speaks true to its title mimicking the color story of something that would replicate the colors of a "Queen Bee's" selective and appropriate color story. With 7 metallics and 5 mattes, which is the perfect ratio of textures for me, the palette is arranged and adorned in a sea of orange, yellowish mustards, bronzes, golds, and deep browns.

This beautiful color story produces some amazing and stunning looks which most often lean warm-toned. If warm-toned palettes are not your vibe I would check out this palette's sister palettes which lean more neutral-centered and cool-toned. With fall/autumn approaching, this is the ideal pumpkiny, leaves falling, cider drinking palettes if you catch my drift. The metallic shadows are extremely pigmented, but not at all chunky or crumbly. They apply smoothly to the lid and due to the texture and smoothness of the metallic they seldomly, if ever, transferred into the crease or upper area of the eye. The metallics lay down smoothly and with little effort and no need to build up whatsoever. The mattes are equally enchanting buffing effortlessly into the crease and blending beautifully. Since the color story is so well put together, all the shadows, especially the mattes, play well together and do not muddy up and create a grey blob on the eyes. 

This is a well-crafted palette that deserves much more attention in the beauty community and I am excited to see what else comes from this brand. I am thrilled to have this in my collection and I have already played with the sister palettes and I can assure you that they are of the same amazing quality. The only question to ask is which is the color story that best represents you?

Overall Product Presentation: The palette has won a special place in my collection and heart and is the ideal work-appropriate palette for me. It allows me to create wearable looks that are suitable for the workplace but provides that intense fiety color that I like to rock. Well Done!

Rating: 10/10

Wednesday, September 25, 2019



 This is a fresh beautiful palette from Love Luxe Beauty, perfect for Spring or Summer, or to produce that gradient pop of color during those cooler months. Exquisite and beautiful pigmentation, rich and lustrous in color.
REVIEW: If you are on a budget, then this is the way to go. I owned this little jewel years ago and when I saw it on sale on the Coastal Scents website for $5, I had to get it! This is for those beauty lovers who are slowly working their way into the realm of color. The colors are soft and subtle but gorgeous and eye-catching.

REVIEW: This is for the ultimate purple/pink lover. At $60 the ABH Norvina is a plethora of beautiful colors is amazing in every sense of the word. From varying colors that pair well together, to different and interesting finishes that are classic to ABH's style and originality.

REVIEW: Here it is again making an appearance, just in a different monochromatic color story. I truly enjoy this palette and think it is an interesting segway for those who want a gentle introduction to color. Beautiful and affordable, what a great pair!

REVIEW: Here's a good one from Colourpop. This is their first attempt at the purple-themed palette, although it is much more muted and not as purpley, however, it does have a beautiful pop of pink. I am not sure if Colourpop still sells this particular palette, but you can definitely retrieve this on a secondary market like Poshmark or Mercari.

REVIEW: This is a marvelous purple that has a sufficient amount of warmth for your "work appropriate" looks. It has the perfect amount of purple/pink ratio. This palette is a little more pricey than a Colourpop palette but treads the middle ground in terms of affordable versus high end, but don't mistake the quality for anything other than perfection.

REVIEW: Good gravy! This is an expensive palette and the formula is quite different and out the box, but I will tell you if you are willing to be patient and learn how the palette behaves and applies, you will not be disappointed, my friend! This is a gorgeous assemblage of shades that create a myriad of different and unique looks.

REVIEW: This is Jeffree Star's first small palette, and although I am clearly not a supporter of Mr. Star which I have been continual vocal about, I do believe that I can purchase what I want when I want. I love this palette and how brown girl friendly is. These shades are unbelievable and gorgeous and the brand did well with their first 9 pan palette.